What It Takes to Be a Professional Security Guard

Unparalleled Security 0 1765 Article rating: No rating
The constant possibility of threats suggests that professional security guards must have some crucial qualities to handle threats properly. Apart from being alert at all times and being able to assess situations quickly, working as a professional security guard requires other crucial qualities. Unfortunately, many security companies downplay the process of assessing who they recruit and train as a professional security guard. 

How to Choose Between Armed vs. Unarmed Security

Unparalleled Security 0 809 Article rating: 5.0
When you hire a security guard to protect your building, event, or parking lot, you want to trust that you'll get added peace of mind and someone trained to handle concerning situations. At Unparalleled Security, we ensure all our security guards are trained to react to suspicious or criminal activity by acting or contacting the proper authorities.

Do You Need a Bodyguard? 5 Types of People Who Might

Unparalleled Security 0 2394 Article rating: 3.5
While it’s easy to think that only the most high-profile individuals need security services, this really isn’t the case. Many individuals can benefit from Minnesota personal security teams, including bodyguards. If you feel unsafe or are worried about protecting your event or business, the security specialists at Unparalleled Security offer comprehensive bodyguard protection.