Protect Your Building With Unparalleled Security

  • Expert security services for Twin Cities buildings
  • Highly trained security guards
  • Suit-and-tie approach to customer service
  • Book short or long term with valet parking options

What does security mean for your building? If it’s an apartment complex or other residential property, it often means an access control system in place at entrances. It means lobby security guards to protect the safety of everyone in the building – and with it their peace of mind.

If it’s an office building or corporate headquarters, you may have additional security concerns for valuable company assets, trade secrets, or even the safety of executive personnel. No matter your building’s requirements, Unparalleled Security is ready to identify potential hazards and provide reliable and affordable solutions.

Why Twin Cities Buildings Need Unparalleled Security

Our expert security guards are available for short and long-term services across the Twin Cities area. No building is too big or too small – we specialize in custom security solutions!

Our team also isn’t new to Minneapolis, St. Paul, or the surrounding metro – we’ve been leaders in the local valet industry since 2008. This means we understand the area’s security needs and how they can vary widely depending on your location and property.

Our security services cater to various levels of protection, whether you require several licensed and certified armed guards for a commercial facility or one officer for downtown condos.

Contact us today and learn more about what we can offer as your professional security provider!

Building Security That Takes the Job Seriously

Securing a building is a big job. Not only must building security monitor a massive amount of entrances and exits, but they must also be willing to assist those in need.

In the corporate world, where travel is frequent and meeting spaces often well-hidden, your company needs security that welcomes guests and employees alike while also keeping a sharp eye out for any potential threats. Unparalleled Security is honored to provide just the sort of service you seek.

With our five-star ratings as an established Twin Cities valet company, we’ve proven we know how to make people feel welcome to the area, and our drive to protect is top-notch. Our office building security is strict on safety while also providing the pinnacle of presentation that our company is so well-known for.

Comprehensive Building Security: No Space Left Unpatrolled

Office building security requires a deep attention to detail; such a large space must be secured top to bottom for the well-being of employees and visitors. At Unparalleled Security, we understand this, which is why our description of “corporate building security” is so broad.

Our experienced building security team provides a wide variety of services to ensure occupant safety. From securing valuables if necessary to proper opening and closing procedures to monitoring entrances and exits, we spare no effort in terms of vigilance.

We patrol properties, inspect building equipment, profile trespassers, and help to minimize loss and property damage by reporting pertinent irregularities. On top of that, we’re well-versed in de-escalation so as to help maintain an orderly environment.

When you hire Unparalleled Security for your corporate building security, you can rest easy knowing that you’re providing the epitome of a safe working space for employees and guests.

Building Security That Performs With Image in Mind

To those who are supposed to be on the premises, building security shouldn’t be intimidating. At Unparalleled Security, we believe that great service in building security also extends towards making everyone feel safe – not just be safe – as well as helping out anywhere we can.

We’ll happily escort guests where they need to go, or remind those who need it of proper policy and conduct. To top that all off, our staff takes pride in our professional presentation and how we represent your company. We understand that image is important when it comes to doing business, and every role in that – even building security – matters.

Industry Trends & Tips

What Do Private Security Contractors Do?

If you run a Twin Cities business, one of the factors determining its success is the provision of adequate security to protect against various threats and ensure safety and peace of mind at your property. In Minnesota, Unparalleled Security is your local leader for personalized security services! (read more)

8 Businesses That Should Have Security Guards for Protection

Security guards are a core necessity if you want your business to thrive under maximum safety and peace of mind. Unparalleled Security in the Twin Cities lists the types of businesses that need security guards in this quick read.

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8 Benefits of Booking a Security Guard at Your Business

Thinking about advanced security for your business? Booking a security guard is still the best solution to enjoy these benefits.

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