Protect Construction Sites With Unparalleled Security Services

  • Expert construction site security services
  • Ready for small and big projects in the Twin Cities area
  • Highly trained construction security officers
  • Reliable, accountable, and affordable

You’d never start a build without first laying the foundation; Likewise, you should never open a construction site without a plan to protect the equipment, materials, tools, and people. Prioritize your project’s success by hiring professional services to secure the site’s integrity.

For construction site security tailored to your needs, choose Unparalleled Security for services throughout Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the greater Twin Cities metro area.

Why Choose Unparalleled Security for Construction Sites?

Our suit-and-tie approach combined with extensive training and hands-on experience prepares our security guards for anything and everything.

We identify and prevent threats, accidents, and damage at construction sites with the highest level of detail, reliability, and hospitality.

Prevent Accidents & Crime

Construction sites are dangerous for obvious reasons. Anyone working on the site or passing by it can end up in harm’s way – or be the cause of it.

With our security guards trained to identify and solve problem areas and keep trespassers out of places they don’t belong, you can have strict standards in place for preventing accidents and criminal activity.

Protect Workers, Materials, & Equipment

Whether you’re building a luxury apartment building or a series of single-family homes in a new residential subdivision, there are numerous items to keep track of on a construction site. Our construction site security services ensure valuable items are accounted for at all times and secured properly at the end of each workday.

We also have your workers’ backs. By keeping the site secure from outsiders and having an eye on potential issues, your team can better focus on getting the job done.

Patrol the Exteriors

Your construction site often has many employees coming and going, and the parking lot areas might be near the public. With so many people around, issues such as potential vehicle break ins or damage to equipment shouldn’t be ignored.

With parking lot patrol services from Unparalleled Security, you can have peace of mind. Our trained and licensed security guards will look out for criminal or suspicious behavior to help protect your employees, mechnail equipment, and the construction site.

Unparalleled Security offers armed or unarmed security guards, depending on your needs.

Secure Parking Garages

Along with parking lot patrols, our expert security teams will also keep an eye on any parking garage areas.

For larger construction sites, you may be building new parking garages or using existing ones during your operations. Our security patrols will ensure nothing unsafe or criminal is happening in these garages.

Respond Quickly to Emergencies & Threats

From severe weather to vandalism to work-related accidents, emergency situations on the construction site happen quickly and demand immediate attention to prevent further loss. Let us be there for you when you need to respond right away to any kind of threat to your project.

Call our Minneapolis based team today at 651-300-1515 to get started protecting your construction site.

Industry Trends & Tips

What Do Private Security Contractors Do?

If you run a Twin Cities business, one of the factors determining its success is the provision of adequate security to protect against various threats and ensure safety and peace of mind at your property. In Minnesota, Unparalleled Security is your local leader for personalized security services! (read more)

8 Businesses That Should Have Security Guards for Protection

Security guards are a core necessity if you want your business to thrive under maximum safety and peace of mind. Unparalleled Security in the Twin Cities lists the types of businesses that need security guards in this quick read.

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8 Benefits of Booking a Security Guard at Your Business

Thinking about advanced security for your business? Booking a security guard is still the best solution to enjoy these benefits.

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